A tribute to Australia featuring a 21-gun salute, an RAAF aerial flypast and a soaring flag display by the Navy’s Seahawk Helicopter.
The nation’s daredevil aviators take to the skies for a jaw-dropping show of aerial prowess, which includes incredible loops, rolls & high-G turns.
An all-new Ferrython with a new and longer route, which will see the dressed-up ferries racing at speeds never seen before on Sydney Harbour.
A tug-handling display akin to ‘monster truck show on water’ choreographed to a rocking soundtrack, jet-ski stunts and fun commentary.
Watch a Royal Australian Navy helicopter towing a giant Australian Flag across Sydney Harbour and its surrounds.
Fun afloat on Sydney Harbour as boats and crew vie for the ‘best-dressed’ prize and other ‘cheeky challenge’ prizes.
Watch a magnificent fleet of Tall Ships as they race by from Bradley’s Head to the finish line under Sydney Harbour Bridge.
The oldest continuously-run annual sailing event featuring individual events for ocean racers, classic gaff-riggers, radio-controlled yachts and vintage skiffs.